
Showing posts from April, 2017

Exposing school children to sexual and suggestive contents. It's implications

Exposing school children to sexual and suggestive contents. It's implications By Sonnie Ekwowusi Have you bothered for once to peruse through your children’s school textbooks? I know you are a very busy parent working round the clock to put food on the table for your children. I equally know that you have employed some housekeepers to look after your children on your behalf.

Robots And Computer software taking over our Jobs - Share Your Experience

Have you lost your job or experienced downsizing due to new automation etc at work ?. Share your experience. It is estimated that between 35 and 50 percent of jobs that exist today are at risk of being lost to automation. Repetitive, blue collar type jobs might be first, but even professionals — including paralegals, diagnosticians, and customer service representatives — will be at risk.

What are some obvious signs of intelligence?

Sometimes i hear my mum tell my dad or someone saying   "nwa ga ma akukwo"  meaning  "this child will know something when he grows" . I observed closely that there are some certain traits or behavior that the child or person displays that gives a pointer to the persons intelligence. have you ever witnessed this? and what are the obvious signs you think you can use to judge a persons intelligence?

Are Men are more sexually harassed at work than females?

Google ‘Sexual Harassment in the Workplace’ and you will discover that 90 percent of the image results you see depicts a woman being harassed by a man. Women are 9 times more vulnerable to sexual harassment at work than men. This may be true, but have you ever stopped to think how often men are subjected to such things?

When you discover your spouse already a hidden child

Getting hitched with the man or woman of your dreams has always been the most fantastic and memorable moment for most couple. That moment when

Stages involved in creating a great website.

The stages are: (1) Specification Stage. At this stage, the client (the person who needs a website done) tells the designer or developer the functionalities and features they want their website to have. This stage is crucial because if the designer doesn't get the specifications correctly, he might end up designing something out of the spec of the client. The client also needs to be realistic at this stage with the specification, no voodoo or magic feature requests. Once the client and designer are on the same page, the specification stage is then passed.

Ever Wondered Why Doctors & Nurses Inject The Buttocks More?

Have you ever wondered why doctors love giving injections in that one part of the body ( buttocks ) more than others, i mean its not like the buttocks is a different body on its own, so why? Here are 6 reasons why:

Save your spine with ergonomics

Do you know that back pain is one of the most common work-related injuries and is often caused by ordinary work activities such as sitting in an office chair or heavy lifting? Applying ergonomic principles - the study of the workplace as it relates to the worker - can help prevent work-related back pain and back injury and help maintain a healthy back.

Before & After Bleaching Photos Of Ex Miss Commonwealth Nigeria Will Shock You!!!

**Beauty Istifanus' Before & After** ____ Bleaching has actually taken over Nigeria Ladies lately, true beauty is so hard to find because Artificial Beauty has been the new wave for ladies.